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Friday, September 12, 2008

Going Green - Household Cleaners

Over the past few years I have wanted to do my part in being environmentally friendly. After using circumstances, finances and general laziness for excuses I have finally decided the time has come let my green self emerge.

I started by looking online for alternatives to regular household cleaners. Not only are common cleaners bad for the environment, but they are bad for us humans and our pets too. Lord knows at the times I've made the bathrooms sparkly clean only to have my husband come home and "fuss" at me for the horrible chemical smell. He wasn't fussing because he had to smell it, he was worried about my health; after all, I have been with those fumes while cleaning and even afterward as they linger in the house for hours (even with the windows open). The search was on for something safe...

The main list of great, SAFE (for us and the environment) cleaners is relatively short and much cheaper than those ready-mixed, unsafe cleaners (did I mention this is cheap?)
  • white vinegar
  • baking soda
  • borax (20 mule team)
  • hydrogen peroxide


  • removes carpet stains
  • cuts lime deposits
  • removes mildew
  • cleans linoleum and wood floors
  • cleans toilets (and all bathroom surfaces)
  • drain cleaner (when mixed with baking soda)
  • glass cleaner
  • absorbs odors
  • cuts grease

the thing about vinegar is that yes, your home will smell like you are dying eggs while the vinegar is still wet, but once it is dried your home will be very fresh smelling.

I have mixed borax and vinegar (2 tsp borax for every 1/2 cup of vinegar) into a spray bottle and this has taken the place of my old all-purpose cleaners (409, Mean Green, Greased lightning, etc).


  • add a tsp or so in your hand with your shampoo - gives your hair more body
  • sprinkle in carpets to remove odors
  • toilet cleaner (by itself or mixed with vinegar for that "bubbly" action)
  • add to washing machine along with your regular detergent to help clean and freshen "funky" clothing


  • add to laundry (same as the baking soda instructions)
  • wash your fridge (inside and out) with mixture of 1 tbs per quart of water - will kill odors
  • borax is a natural disinfectant
  • clean garbage cans
  • bathroom cleaning - it does not scratch fiberglass


  • removes blood stains (ew)
  • removes mildew/mold
  • use as a mouthwash - it kills germs and brightens teeth

So far that is my list of cleaning products which will hopefully enable me to leave a smaller carbon footprint on this earth.

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